Avalanche Sports North Store Reservations

Location.:: 315 N. Main St :: Breckenridge, CO

                Directly Across Main St. From Fire House :: Breck Connect Gondola Directly Behind Store ::

                Next to NorthSide Pizza

Fall Store Hours ::  Hours will be limited to weather and staff availability.

September 21st :: onward :: North Store will be open Thursday - Sunday, 9 AM - 5 PM.  South Store will be open every day this Fall 

Phone :: 970 453 4019

Peak 8 Lift Access Riding Closed For Season.  Keystone will be open September 19th and 20th. 


North Store Bikes ::

Please call and confirm any reservation :: All full suspension bikes, except our down hill rigs, are now at South Store

Junior 20", 24" and Trailers :: 20/day

Path Bikes :: 30/day

Tandem Bikes From Cannondale :: 50/day

Cannondale CAAD  (Standard Road Rentals) :: 40/day

GT Fury Down Hill Bikes :: 80/day

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